
New Year, New Me?

Something miraculous has happened over the past few weeks.
I have found myself enjoying life.
Enjoying life in China.
*double gasp*
It all started when we went to the newly-discovered, closer Jiadeli. It's several blocks closer than the one we have been going to for months. And it's better in other ways too. The veggies are fresher, the eggs don't run out before noon, the store has more inventory, it plays catchy tunes and I think they're pumping happy gas through the air vents cause I couldn't stop smiling the whole time I was in there.
The new apartment has something to do with it too. It's like moving up to the top floor (33rd) of our building lifted our spirits and twisted up the ends of our lips into a smile. (pictures to come... of the apartment, not our lips... but maybe those too.)
My super cute husband and little girl have a lot to do with it. I love being with them! I love watching Ali entertain us with her silliness and being able to look over and laugh with Jimmy. There's nothing better.
Life is just good. Jimmy said that December was a month of acceptance for me. I think he's right. I think I accepted where I am and gave up the dream of where I thought I was going. Unmet expectations are always a party pooper.
So here's to a new year with a silver lining and good times ahead.
The only other explanation for the new me is that Jimmy found a chocolate bar at Tesco for 2.9 rmb!!! My knight in shining armor! Until now the only "cheap" chocolate that we could find was an 8 rmb bar at IKEA.
Is it the chocolate? Is it the year of the dragon approaching? Is it the mood swings of a pregnant lady? Whatever it is, it feels good to be alive.... in China.