The baby must not have been eating well from the spoon so she thought she'd take the baby to the food instead. Clever! I'll have to remember this technique.
I got a little Christmas tree a few weeks ago and she enjoyed decorating and undecorating it.
This is how the ornaments ended up. All in one location. So cute! She's a natural decorator for sure!
She has been so good at helping mommy clean. She saw me dusting and had to have her own rag. Now when she gets her hands on a tissue or wipe she will go around cleaning things.
And since that photo highlights her curls, here is another close-up. Her hair is so pretty and soft! It is getting curlier and curlier as it gets longer.
And since the photo also highlights her cuteness, here is another close-up!
*When you ask her to do something and she doesn't want to do it she will squat down. I think she learned that from bath time. I had mentioned before that she likes to stand in the bath and we will go for her towel to get her out and then she'll squat. It's pretty funny and cute!
*She still LOVES to play with other kids and we LOOOOVE the older kids in our branch! Several of them have become such good friends to Ali and they play so well with her and take such good care of her. It's nice that she's able to go off and play with kids now! Great break for mommy and daddy! I can't wait till she can go to nursery... and neither can she!
*We are talking a lot about the new baby and showing her my belly and she has become obsessed with belly buttons! She has to check on hers about every 5 minutes throughout the day. I'm glad she found hers because mine was getting sore from all the poking!