
My Best Friend

3 years ago today I married my best friend.
It doesn't sound like a long time when I say it.
I feel like we have had experiences that have deepened our relationship and make it feel like we've known each other much longer.
Last Sunday I faced the reality that the next morning we would wake up and he would leave for school and not be back until after Ali went to bed.
My heart hurt.
It was a hard night and I cried as I feel asleep and he held me.
It's sad not having him around as much.
He's my favorite person to be with.
It's just not the same without him around.
This morning he left for the week with all of the other students on a team-building trip.
It was another hard morning and sad to spend our anniversary apart.
But it's good to have times like these that make you realize how much you love your spouse.
We'll miss him every day this week but we will cherish each moment we can spend together.
Love you sweet Jimmy!