
Dinner Cruise

During orientation week the students were invited to go on a dinner cruise down the Huangpu River. This is the big river than flows through the middle of downtown Shanghai and it's pretty amazing to visit in the day or in the night. Both sides are lined with beautiful buildings. The coolest part is that family was invited to come along. Since the cruise took place a few days before our anniversary we decided it was our little anniversary date... and Ali got to come too. She was looking so cute in her little outfit and pearls! We had a fantastic time and enjoyed the food, views, and even fireworks.
There were some pretty cool boats at the dock and out on the river.
Such a card! While she was eating, the Chinese people pulled out the cameras and Ali was loving it. Everyone was snapping pictures and she was hamming it up!
Too funny! This picture just gets me! I love it!
The cruise went past our bedtime so we brought Ali's PJs. After dinner it was time for jammies!
The view from the boat.
More of the city...

Thanks for the date, Hult!