
Day 5 (Sunday 9/3)

Our baby at 4 in the afternoon.
Our baby at 4 in the morning.

Sunday mostly consisted of church.

getting to church

+ being at church

+ getting home from church

= 6 hours

We left our apartment at 9:30 am and got home at 3:30 pm. I’m sure it will be cut by a little bit next Sunday because we chatted with the members.

We walk to the metro stop, ride for about an hour and then walk to the church building.

Ali fell asleep during Relief Society and slept the whole way home. It was a perfect nap. Since then we haven’t had to worry about her (or us) sleeping 5 hours in the afternoon.

It was GREAT being at church! It always makes you feel like you’re not too far from home. It’s exactly the same everywhere. I know everyone always says that but it’s true. The members were really nice and it was good to see families there, surviving in Shanghai. Everyone has such a different story but each has something valuable to share with new residents. I met a girl in Relief Society who has been a huge help. She and her family are living on a very tight budget (and she is pregnant) and she has emailed me some helpful tips about where to get food and a few stovetop recipes. I don’t know if I have mentioned it or not but ovens are very uncommon here. We do not have one so we’re trying to come up with creative ways to make meals. We have heard that our rice cooker can also cook chicken so as soon as we can find some safe chicken to eat we will try it out.