We have enjoyed spending time with James and Ali so much that we almost completely stopped taking pictures of our life outside the apartment! We do have a few photos of some Chinese stuff and here they are:
This is the street we walk down to get to the park. Usually there are a few other people but not this many. Some shops were being torn down and the street was so full of people stopping to watch that they were stopping traffic. This seems to be so typical. The people are so fascinated by funny things. (I guess I am too, since I'm fascinated that they're fascinated.) If ever someone is working on the escalators there is always a passerby filming or photographing the operation.
This is us on the way home from church in the subway. Jimmy has James in the Bjorn and Ali is asleep in her stroller. I am relaxing! What a sweet husband! (Jimmy teaches primary so that leaves me to chase Ali while holding James for 2 hours. Luckily Ali got to go to nursery last week! Can I get an amen and a hallelujah?!!)
The zoo is right next to an elementary school and they visit during the day. Getting through all those kids was a zoo itself.
This little girl was bundled up as wide as she is tall! And those pants she is wearing are the famous split pants. She is wearing a diaper which is typical but I haven't been able to find out why they put diapers on with the split pants. Kind of defeats the purpose. It could be that it was chilly that day, but there were plenty of other bums sticking out so I'm left to wonder.
This is by far my favorite thing about going to the park in the morning. People bring these darling wooden bird cages and hang them up in the trees. Then they all stand there facing the birds and watch them chirp away.
Another cart- This one is full of cacti and other plants.
Last Saturday we had our first family picnic.