
Twilight.... you are a disappointment!

Don't be sad..... but it turns out that the movie Twilight is the worst movie ever made. Don't freak out Twilight lovers..... I don't mean the story line.... the story line comes from a flawless book written by a genius. But the movie was made by amateurs on a low budget. Now before you start crying and sending me hate mail... just hear me out. Consider any recent popular movie. For instance, The Dark Knight. Even if you don't like the movie you can't deny that the scenes are amazing! And here is the proof... Dark Knight was made on a budget of $185 million and Twilight was made on a budget of $37 million. Hence the poor picture quality, unattractive actors, bad acting, crapy make-up and hair, and super awful special effects! I say let's give it to Warner Brothers and let them redo the first movie!! Great idea!!