
7 Months!!

James is 7 months old and that was the fastest month of my life!  I cannot believe how quickly he is growing up!  I took most of the pictures this last month with the other camera which I don't have right now.  But I do have a couple adorable pictures of James.  I LOVE this boy so much!  He is the cuddliest, sweetest, yummiest boy in the world!   

 We finally got him in to see a doctor for the first time since being back in the states.  He got three shots.  Have I mentioned that he has the saddest cry and cry-face ever?  He does.  And I hate to see either of my kids cry but there's just something heartbreaking about James' cry.  Maybe it's because he never cries so when he does it's a big deal.  But he was a champ.  James weighs 24 pounds which puts him in the 95 percentile for his age.

Since he is closer to being a 1 year old (WEIRD!) than a newborn I have been thinking a lot about what he was like as a newborn and a couple things came to mind that I never recorded.
1- For the first few months of his life he was the loudest, and I mean LOUDEST, groan-stretcher you have ever heard.  And he would do his groan-stretch thing from about 4 am till 6 or 7 when he woke up.  It was so loud you could not sleep in the same room with it.  For weeks I thought he was awake while doing this but he wasn't.  He was just prepping his body to be the cutest cuddly baby ever.
2- He had the LOUDEST farts of anyone I knew.  Plus, according to some people, they were the smelliest things ever.  He was my sweet new baby so I thought they smelled like sweet baby smells but Jimmy did not agree.  Since he started eating solids he doesn't fart loudly anymore.  Strange!  I would think it would be the other way around.
3- He started laughing and cooing around 5 weeks old which is pretty early for a baby.  He has carried on this sweet disposition since that time.  He is currently going through a babble stage.  I love it and could listen to it all day!
4- If we sit close to him he will lift both arms, lean over, grab onto us and rest his head on us.  I cannot describe how much I love this.  He has been doing this for months and it is just the sweetest thing.
5- He is a cautious baby.  I can't count the number of times I have heard someone say, "He's such a serious baby" and I'm always caught off guard by it because he's totally not.  I've realized he's just cautious.  He's not goofy or silly (yet).  He just observes.  He has entered the stranger danger phase and likes to be with Mommy and Daddy.
I'm sure I'll think of more to add to the list.
James, you bless our lives every day with your sweetness and love.  Thank you for being a special part of our family.