
Coming Home With James

James is almost 2 months old but I wanted to document bringing him home from the hospital and just haven't gotten around to it till now.
Here we are in the elevator. The nurse is behind me, carrying James.... maybe they didn't trust that we wouldn't drop him.
Our sweet ride! The hospital offers a ride home to mothers. We were so happy to learn this since our other option was a dirty, smelly taxi. The ride home was so relaxing and nice.
James, snoozing away.
Jack, our nice concierge.
In front of our building.
This is our friend, Gaelle. She met us downstairs and helped us bring our stuff up and take photos of the arrival. We love her.
After we settled in that evening, it was business as usual- dances in the living room with Daddy...
and bottles and snuggles with Mommy.
We love you, James!