
The Royal Wedding!

There was tea, cucumber sandwiches and a princess!
Thanks to Mom's fancy dishes we had a delicious brunch.
They added just the right touch!
She would have really made it fancy if she were here!
I remember the day of Princess Diana's funeral, Mom had the TV on for the coverage all day. It still brings a tear to her eye.
Of course, this is a happy day, but Mom would be proud of us bringing a bit of the royal family event into her home.
We had such a splendid time celebrating the royal wedding at our house!
The girls wore tiaras and the boys wore hats... except Adam, he said his glasses were enough.
Adam said the only way he made it through it was being able to have his computer.
Jimmy was in pain as he waited for us to finish the food.... and as soon as he ate, he was gone!
But we're proud of him for staying in the same room as us!
Erick was a bit more into of our fancy brunch!
And it's no surprise that Melissa and I were the most excited attendees!
What a perfect day, a beautiful wedding and a fun tea party!