
1/2 of a year!!

Our baby is
6 months old!!
We absolutely LOVE this little girl! She has been the sunshine in our lives for the past six months and we are so glad she joined our family! We can't believe it's already been half a year and can't imagine our lives without her!
We took Ali swimming and she loved it even more than we thought she would! It was the cutest thing in the world and we can't wait to take her again!
She is an eating champ! In addition to the foods mentioned last month she eats prunes, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, watermelon, strawberries and pears (the last 3 are her favorites!)!

She is getting so good at sitting up and she now goes from a sitting position forward onto all fours. Maybe this month she will attempt crawling!

Favorite activities: riding with her daddy in the Ranger and reading books.

Two things that she does all day long: babble and stick her tongue out. We have tried to record these things but every time the camera turns on she stops and stares at it. One thing we have been able to get is this cute thing she does with her mouth.
Ali is getting SO active! She is to the stage where if she wants something she practically lunges at it with her full body and you're just glad you were holding onto her enough. It's fun to see her personality develop!

She weighs 17.1 pounds

Coming up next week: an all day car trip to Mississippi... please, pray for us!!!