
More Mary Alice!

This little miss is quite the eater and it's a favorite time here in our house because she is SOOOO CUTE when she eats!
And she always loves fresh fruit and veggies out of the garden! Banana peppers are among her favorite things to chew on!Another favorite time of ours is bottle time! This is a brand new thing for Ali. A few days before her 7 month birthday she had a check up and the doctor suggested that we feed her a little prune juice to help when she's constipated. I tried for several days to get her to drink out of a few different sippy cups but she hated them. I should have known she'd be like her momma and prefer a bottle (I LOVED bottles...I was even known to sneak my younger siblings' bottles!). She loved it from the moment we offered it to her. Now every evening we give her a little bottle of juice and/or water and it's a fun cuddle time for whoever gets the privilege of feeding it to her!Just a cute picture of Ali in her clothes hamper. I carried her around the house in this and she just laughed and laughed! She is getting so strong. I'll have to get a picture of her hanging from her crib. She also likes to hang off the pews at church!She LOVES steering wheels! She usually rides to the end of the dirt road with daddy in the driver's seat. And this face is just to die for!! What a cutie pie!! Some people in our ward have horses and we happened to be over when the horses were out and our little one LOVED them! She adores all animals!Well, almost all animals. We caught these baby raccoons a couple days ago in the front yard and when they hissed and snapped at us she didn't like that. They were pretty cute though! Crazy to think they grow up to be such nasty creatures!! We had some fun times out here this spring with all the baby creatures being born. We've had several bird nests around the house and have watched the stages from egg to the time when the babies leave the nest. So fun!