Mary Alice has been trying to get the hang of this sitting up thing and we think she definitely has it now! She can sit up by herself and play with her toys and it is the cutest thing!! How is she such a big girl already? Babies learn so much in such a short amount of time!ps- remember glow worms? she loves hers!
Mary Alice is 5 months old today! I love being a mom to a 5 month old! Several weeks ago I decided that we had reached my favorite baby stage, but each week I find that she just keeps getting cuter and funner! Babies are the best!
Some things Ali loves:
We posted about this a couple days ago. It is her favorite place to be! In addition to being outside, she loves the wind in her hair! Last week, in an effort to make riding in the car more enjoyable for a fussy baby (and her parents), we rolled the windows down and she was in heaven!She sat back and smiled and then fell asleep!
She continues to be a great sleeper and would love to nap all day. Sometimes as soon as she wakes up she starts rubbing her eyes. That is one of my favorite things, by the way! I LOVE when she gets tired and rubs her face and eyes! And then I LOVE going in to get her from her naps! She looks up and smiles and then when she gets her arms free she loves to stretch and makes this cute little face as she's stretching! SO cute!
Of course she loves the milky, but we have also let her have some banana, avocado, and rice cereal (each several days apart). She ate it pretty well, but it seemed to upset her tummy so we'll wait.
Her favorite songs are Itsy Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake, and 5 little monkeys.
Not only does she LOVE her baths, but she also likes to put her hands and feet under the running faucet.
I have been so excited for her to find her toes! I just think it is darling when babies are on their back playing with their toes! She has found them and loves to hold on to them any time she can!
She just loves 'em! Chances are, if yours get too close they will wind up in her mouth! We can keep her entertainted with any song that has hand movements.
Our neighbor's dogs usually go on our walks with us and she has figured those furry things out and has decided that she LOVES them! When they run around and play she squeals and laughs her head off!
This girl is the rolling champion! As soon as she found she could roll from her back to her stomach, we couldn't get her to stop. She learned to roll from her stomach to her back first, but now when she gets on her stomach, she just sits there and cries till someone rolls her back over. Silly girl. I used to let her play for a bit in her crib after her naps, but now she usually gets onto her stomach and gets frustrated. Sometimes she scoots around and finds her binky, then she's fine.
Just kidding! But she did get three shots last week and was such a trooper. She only cried for a couple seconds.
Ali's STATS:
16 lbs- 64th Percentile
25.5 in- 55th percentile
And for your viewing pleasure, some baby laughter! The good stuff!
I know that summer has not officially begun, but as far as I'm concerned, IT HAS!
Texas Summer Checklist:
Humidity- check
Hot Sun- check
Sweat- check
Fire Ant Bite- check
Mosquito Bite- check
Poisonous Snake Sighting- check
It's amazing how quickly things can go from beautiful to yucky overnight. Fortunately we will still have nice days here and there until the full blown fury of a Texas summer hits for the next (what feels like) eternity.
Ali LOVES to be outside! Unless she's napping we are outside! We got her this cute little sun hat so her face wouldn't get burnt and she loves it!
The past month has been heavenly! We have wandered on the forest paths in 60-70 degree weather and the only creatures we have seen are deer and squirrel. And then this last week we began checking things off on the summer checklist. The most alarming is the amount of snakes we have encountered already! SIX! And one of those was a Copperhead! Jimmy picked up a "Snakes of Southeast Texas" guide last year and it says that Copperheads like to hide in leaves and bites usually occur when victim (freaky word- makes me think of death) accidentally steps on the camouflaged snake. Sadly, our walks in the forest, whose paths are covered in leaves, are over. I also love being outside and am happy to take Ali out every day, so I'm getting more and more nervous about how we are going to survive. My feet and legs are already covered (ok, not covered, but 6 or 7 bites) in fire ant and mosquito bites and I can't imagine her getting them too! We'll see how it goes. We might have to get creative! I'm already designing a kiddy pool tent that will shade, cool, and keep the bugs off. But doesn't that just sound like the bathtub? Maybe that's where we'll be all summer!
I am being a bit dramatic (or maybe I'm not) and there are good things about the summer here. Like the beach!! I CANNOT wait to go and take Ali! She already has a little swimsuit!
We are going private. Unless you are our sibling or parent (you're getting an invite whether you like it or not.. hehehe), leave us a message with your email if you would like to continue reading. We don't want to leave anyone out- so even if we don't know you are reading (maybe you are a sibling of a friend or whatever), you are welcome to leave your email too! We will go private on the 22nd of this month.