
Hult Events

It's been fun visiting Jimmy on campus at the many Hult events. They host activities for every holiday. It's an American school in China but there are over 40 countries represented by the student body so we get to celebrate all the holidays from all the different countries. The kids and I have attended almost every one.
We celebrated Carnival. James slept through the whole thing, even the loud music. I love newborns!
Ali, eating some chicken nuggets. Not so Carnival-ish, but yummy.
At school with Daddy
Saturday, we went to a Holi celebration. Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season and happens to be today, March 8th. It's not the first time Jimmy and I have celebrated the festival of Colours, but it is the first year we have celebrated it with people who are actually from India. It was a lot of fun and I loved the music!
Once again, James slept through the party. Little cutie!
I'm so happy that Jimmy chose to come to school here. We have enjoyed being in a new country and the opportunity to get to know so many people from many different places. I have loved hanging out with the three other wives, each of us from a different country, and watching how they mother and love their children. We are all unique, but not so different after all.