Here are some moments we have captured over the past month or so. They may not appear in the order they happened, but rather, in the order they uploaded. I'd like to have them more organized, but if I wait till I have time for that, we may never post them. Life with 2 is great!
Here is Ali at the Valentine party at Jimmy's school. They had fruit-kabobs and a chocolate fountain.
photo is self-explanatory: adorable!
Big city living:
Ali loves glasses!

Grandma and Grandpa got Ali this roller bag for our travels. Cute!
Sibling love:

Sweetest jailbird- love this soft, cuddly outfit.
hanging out- Ali in James' seat... James, chillin' on the couch
Swim cap in the tub... ironically, Ali is currently on a "head-wetting strike".

I just love this picture. She looks like such a big girl.

James' first walk. Ali's helping make sure he's strapped in.
What a sweet little boy!
Both of the kids are growing so fast. We are loving watching them interact more. Ali doesn't go directly for his eyes every time she sees him and James is less fragile. Soon he'll be able to defend himself and I won't feel so nervous leaving those two alone in a room together. James is SO smiley and loves to coo and talk to people. Any time he's awake he is smiling and happy! He seems to be very social, just like his sister. What a cute pair!