
9 Months Old!!!

Ali is 9 months old and the cutest, funnest, loveliest little girl in the world!! She cracks us up daily with her new little faces and the personality that she reveals more and more every day. I feel like just this past week she has grown up so much. She is so aware of everything and we can't believe how well her ears work! She can detect the smallest sound and turns immediately in that direction to check it out!.... even if she's on the verge of falling asleep. =)
Ali's Loves:
Babies and children
Walking around the furniture
Pulling things off shelves and out of boxes and cupboards
Ali's Words:
Ali's New Tricks:
Giving kisses
Waving "hi"Other factoids:
-Ali has also learned how to recognize the word "no" when daddy says it. For now she is very obedient but I have a feeling this will be short lived. She might have inherited her determined (read: stubborn) personality from her parents.
-She is sleeping 10+ solid hours each night!!!!! Thank you, Baby Whisperer! That means that Mommy is getting 8 hours of sleep! Hurrah!!! I never thought this day would come!
-She has learned to be more content while riding in the car. Joy! I can make it to the store and back without her screaming.