
Jimmy's Trip

This past week Jimmy was gone on a trip with all of the Hult MBA students. They traveled around sleeping in a different hotel every night, doing team-building activities during the day, partying all night (some did), and eating crazy stuff! The two pictures below are all of the MBA students on the last day.
This was their tour guide/event director.
Oh the food!! I NEVER could have made it! Jimmy said some people just went hungry rather than eat the food. On the last day they stayed in a really nice place that had two options for breakfast: Chinese food or American/Euro food. People swarmed the American/Euro side for pastries and waffles! I would have been right there in front! Anyway, here we go... First up... chicken soup. THE WHOLE CHICKEN! Gross!!!
Plate on the left is full of duck tongue. Jimmy said it tasted pretty gross and was really tough meat. To the right is chicken feet.
Turtle soup. Sad and gross!
They love food on a stick. Below the woman is cooking meat on a stick and corn on a stick.
Here is duck soup. WHOLE DUCK SOUP. This guy is fishing the head out.
Random factoid: One of the buses got in an accident. Surprise, surprise. These drivers are insane! That driver was replaced.
Here is Jimmy's group that he was with the whole week.
One of the activities was to go on a picture scavenger hunt. This is them acting out the 12 zodiac signs.
Cool stuff they saw:

Below is one of the hotels they stayed at. Pretty!

He had a great time and said it was good getting to know people. It is amazing how many different countries are represented at this school. I've never seen such different people brought together in one place before. We are also pleasantly surprised by how wonderful everyone is. Overall the student body is a very nice group of kind and polite people. I'm sure it's a relief to Jimmy since he will be with them a lot over the next year. We have had so many students offer help to us in so many ways: helping with Ali, getting phones, find places to go... I even mentioned to one of them that I wanted to track down a show called Ni Hao Kai-Lan (Chinese version of Dora the Explorer) for Ali and a couple days later he showed up with 4 episodes of it. Nice people. I'm glad that they won't be going out of town again but we won't be seeing much more of him. At least he'll come home to sleep at night... when they're not pulling all nighters.