
8 months old!

What a fun month! Ali is changing and growing up SO much!!
But she still loves her watermelon!
I think she has eaten the equivalent of one whole watermelon in the past 3 days.
One afternoon I decided to pull her hair into a little piggy.
She loves to be with Momma. Here she is baking zucchini muffins with me. What a natural!
This girl is all about standing!! She will use anything around her to pull up and stand. We got this cool toy from Andrea and it is perfect for her now! She loves to stand and push the buttons to make music and sounds. Thanks Ang!
Here are some funny little videos from the past week or so:

***A Baby Whisperer Update***
We love it!!! We have offically been using this method for one week and although we have had ups and downs, it has helped so much! Last Monday got a little harder in the evening but she only woke up twice that night. Tuesday was SUPER hard and I had a good cry to Jimmy but he gave me the encouragement to keep it up. She was only wanting to take 30 minute naps and that meant that I was doing PU/PD for the other hour! Exhasting!! And Sad! I do not like hearing Ali cry! But the nights were still good. We even had a couple nights where she only woke up once! Friday and Saturday were tough because we were getting ready for Melissa's shower and she may have sensed that things were just a little too exciting to sleep. But by Sunday it was GREAT again. She has been taking really good 1 1/2 hour naps since Sunday! Yay!! And she has been waking 3 times to feed but she is definitely going through a growth spurt so I'm fine with waking the extra times to feed. I'm SOOOO happy we started this and that we didn't quit when things got tough. This will help so much while we're traveling this summer and moving to China! We're going to need all the sleep we can get!